Pismo Beach, CA (114)

While we in CA are in lockdown again, it was fun to revisit our trip to Pismo Beach a few weeks earlier. We stayed at the Pismo Coast Village, a really nice park with convenient access to the beach and town of Pismo Beach. This sign is repainted for each season. 🙂

My morning walk is along the beach in back of the park. It’s really peaceful along the river as it makes its way to the ocean.

Egret on Pismo Beach

Of course we come here because Pismo has a great beach and pier! No trip would be complete without a walk to the end of the pier and some time watching the surfers improve their skills on the waves.

Pismo a beach, CA

Just like the sign says, Pismo is NOT LA and NOT the Bay…it is a unique version of the California coast.

They have recently completed some significant upgrades to the area around the pier, with a new sign made just for Instagram moments,

and also new beachfront developments that eventually will bring new tourists to the area.

We met up with some friends who moved to the area recently, and walked to a nice outdoor restaurant for fish.

Cape Cod Grill

We then walked the neighborhood. Not a bad view!

Deb and her friend visited Avila Dog Beach and let the puppies play. They wore each other out!, which was good thing. 🙂

Lucy and friend

While in the area, I was able to get in some great bike rides. This one from the RV Park to Avila Beach. A great ride.

Shell Beach

And this one, with Deb, a short but pretty ride along the Bob Jones Trail.

Bob Jones Trail
Bob Jones Trail, Avila Beach, CA

Pismo looks pretty good at night, too, with the sign all lit up against the sky.

Of course, nothing beats a sunset!

Pismo Beach pier

Even the fish seemed to like this one, jumping out of the water to get a better view…or maybe a tasty insect!

What a great end to our 5 night visit to Pismo Beach.

We also took a day trip to Cambria on the way home for a walk along Moonstone Beach.

Moonstone Beach, Cambria CA
Moonstone Beach, Cambria CA

We found this interesting landmark in Cambria, Nitt Witt Ridge. I guess you would have to be a nitwit to try to drive your RV up the hill, but it’s actually named after the owner of the house, and in normal times there are occasional tours.

Well, that’s the end of our trip. While not as good as actually traveling, it was fun to relive it while writing this post during the stay-at-home orders in CA. Hopefully, things will change early in 2021. Here’s hoping!

Al & Deb

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