Monterey RV Trip (42)

A great advantage to living in the San Francisco Bay Area is that we can visit places like Monterey Bay at our own pace, and not feel rushed to take in everything on one visit. We get to come back again and again any enjoy a different visit each time (RV Trip #8, RV Trip #29, RV Trip #37). We... Continue Reading →

Buellton, CA (a windmill, a mission, and a beach) RV Trip (40)

We ventured a little further down the coast for this trip, heading south on 101 past San Luis Obispo (yes, we still stopped for Firestone Grill's Santa Maria Style Tri-Tip!) to a little town called Buellton. Buellton is probably most famous as the home of Anderson's Pea Soup, but we visited Flying Flags RV Resort, to use it as... Continue Reading →

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